Directed by: Tamara Rosenblum Choreography by: Chantal Cherry Cinematography by: Tamara Rosenblum Performance by: Chantal Cherry, Jinglin Liao, and Peter Guimaraes Original Score by: Chris Scott Cole
Folie A Troisis inspired by a true story: In 1990 a pair of college lovers, Jens Soering and Elizabeth Haysom, were convicted of murdering Elizabeth’s parents around the Haysom’s dinner table. During the trial, Elizabeth revealed her abusive childhood and was diagnosed with a personality disorder by the court-appointed psychologist. Folie A Trois explores Elizabeth’s relationship to her parents, imagining that heightened isolation caused a familial psychosis. Daily routine gives way to Elizabeth's escape and the birth of her adult self. The violence of the murder is replaced by the violence of Elizabeth's identity formation.
Screening History The Los Angeles Municipal Arts Gallery Juried Exhibition (2018) Echo Park Film Center (2018)